Thursday, 13 October 2011


My very first kiss... yes, I remember it well. She had been visiting my family this Sunday afternoon into the early evening. It was in the middle of winter and being in a northern state, it was very cold. Time finally came for her to return to her family a couple of blocks away from where I lived.

I helped her on with her coat and she and I stepped through the door onto an uncovered porch. The window in the door was all steamed up from the heat within so no one could see us outside except as a blur. When we stepped outside, we found that is was pouring down snow in very large flakes and starting to gather on the ground.

As we were standing there watching the snow, we turned toward each other, no words had been spoken, as if the snow had taken away our ability to talk. We looked into each other's eyes and still without saying a word, we stepped toward each other, we embraced and then our lips met; soft, warm, moist a totally sensual moment, but being so young, we had only the vaguest idea what sensual was. Our lips stayed together a long time, the snow falling in these huge drops around us and on us.

Finally we parted and we both knew that THE THING had finally happened for both of us. Our First Kiss. Unforgettable.


  1. hey vijay best situation to have a 1st kiss awesome words

  2. yes Raj,dis is the best situation to have a first kiss ,
    but i yet not experienced for dis ,
    But in my life this time is now coming soon, and i m eagerly waiting for dat.
