Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Be strong with all your heart

You can never learn to be strong - but you can DECIDE to BE strong !

Hundreds of millions of humans on earth are weak. weakness can have many manifestations. you can be physically strong but still be weak in the absolute sense. from the absolute point of view strength means
  • making clear decisions and priorities and developing the power and creativity and innovation to achieve and realize your goals
  • achieving all your goals even if all on earth are against you
  • being free of any fear of any kind - ready to die in the name of God
  • being true to your innermost being and to God all the time
  • always keep the well-being of all creation as the top priority despite the many distractions for personal pleasure
  • finding solutions of love for all situations
  • having the strength to change your mind and goal if you become aware of a spiritual need to change your opinion or goals
  • being ready to accept eternal and FULL responsibility for ALL you ever do
  • having the power of divine love that allows you to bow any time to anyone's FEET
Can you learn to be strong? NO !

but you can decide to be strong and then BE it !

it may take a while - but this while has actually NOTHING to do with learning - it is a time that you may NEED to get used of BEING STRONG - because your ego was used to be weak for a long time - for many of you for a too long time. in addition many people WANTED you to be weak, government officials and high ranking military want you to be weak because they want you to serve their ego and their purpose as a blind and stupid YES sayer. many parents also want their children to be weak and obey in all situations. teachers at school want us to be weak to obey any and every order - even the most stupid ones. since early childhood many are being told " you are too little, too young, too small, too stupid, too ..." to do ...
after a few years you start to belief it and it gets imprinted in your brain and central nervous system, in all your body. hence YOU have to overcome this mass hypnosis that reduces hundreds of millions of humans to WEAK babies, to ill ones, too weak to be FREE. YOU have to use powerful POSITIVE affirmations to achieve what YOU want to be - a strong, powerful and brave child of god - strong in your heart and soul. strong enough and smart enough to do whatever your heart desires to achieve !
at no point is it TOO late to change your inner attitude - any point in your life - even one second before dying is it is still the right time to BE STRONG
  • be strong against all odds of life
  • be strong against devil wanting to keep you away from going home
  • be strong against all hierarchies sentencing you to another incarnation due to your karma and missing love
  • be strong against all powerful negative forces you may encounter any time during physical life as well as after you drop your physical body
  • be strong in your LOVE to dissolve all obstacles brought up against you on your path of love HERE on earth
  • be strong to dissolve with the fire of YOUR LOVE within any and all evil forces that you may ever encounter
  • be strong to face any kind of death, die with a smile on your face and love in your heart
  • be strong to withstand all pressure from any selfish earthly authorities of any kind
because God is love and the divine love God has for YOU can make you as almighty in your heart and soul as he is. god made you to his image - to be strong in all situations. you need to get used to BE STRONG - can a cat learn to BE a cat ? NO ! but a cat grows up with her cat mama and accumulates EXPERIENCES to BE a cat.
we accumulate experiences to BE and behave like a child of God - made to the image of God.
if YOU want to be strong - then you have to DECIDE to be strong ! you need to be able to say:
YES - I want to be strong in all and any situations - i want to be strong in my divine heart and i want to be strong soul and I want to have strong roots in God's divine love !
whatever you want to achieve you can achieve - if you made up your mind very clearly and if you are sure YOU want to achieve a particular goal.
being strong also means you have no more excuses for:
  • NOT helping others
  • NOT sharing with others
  • NOT supporting others
  • NOT doing all important work on your own
being strong means:
  • accepting full responsibility for a proportional share in God's creation, in God's "family business"
  • contributing to this family business with ALL your manpower and divine creativity
  • contributing for the support of the ill and weak ones who temporarily struggle and are in need of help on their way back to strength
  • contributing YOUR share to the restoration of UNITY in God's entire creation
  • contributing in making all happy again, in bringing all the LOST ones together with their beloved ones
exceed your limits again and again to get used of being strong. do it in many different ways
  • walking distances
  • climbing mountains
  • swimming distances
  • working more and harder and more productively
  • increasing your qualification in your present field of work
  • help more different people
  • learn to be day and night ON DUTY and available for ALL - if possible have a cell phone and make sure all people know they can CALL you any time when ever they need HELP or are in some kind of real trouble.
  • you can practice BEING STRONG in whatever you do or plan to do - just get used to NEVER accept any given limits - instead get used to exceed any and all limits
a strong society is the best warrant for a strong and lasting peace and a lasting UNION in God of all family members. for the remainder of eternity !
whatever profession you have selected - learn more, do it better day after day, improve all your skills and knowledge, become an expert in all different fields of activities you need in your life, in family life, in professional life, in recreation, in making others happy - including in your SEX - LIFE!!
weak persons are WEAK and BORING lovers !
who wants to be boring ? who wants to join someone boring ? NONE - because ALL children of God have a divine right to get a powerful and exciting partner - an adventurer who knows that eternity includes infinite ways of LOVING and LIVING. only the very best is good for YOU and only the VERY BEST is good enough for YOUR PARTNER and your entire family !
stop playing weak to attract PITY
start being strong in all your love to attract LOVE !

I love you

1 comment:

  1. YES, I want to be strong in all and in any situations, and always hold on tightly to God, his only the one who can help with us from any trials in life
